


Antoinette! 2020

Performer makign a face wearing heavy makeup

About the show

Antoinette wants to die. Antoinette wants to live. Antoinette is bored and wants to dance forever. And you are invited to The Queen's party!

In Antoinette Glitcher creates an immersive landscape made out of sound, costume and dance where the night never ends and where there is no tomorrow. Through Queen Marie Antoinette Glitcher deals with concepts such as power, immortality, hyper-capitalism and abundance. Welcome to the palace of Versailles and a night you hardly will forget.

Concept and production: Glitcher

On stage: Emelie Zilliacus, Martin Paul, Josefine Fri, Tom Rejström, Oscar Fagerudd & Eliel Tammiharju

Sound design: Eliel Tammiharju & Oscar Fagerudd

Light design: Oscar Fagerudd

Age recommendation: 18+


Embassy of Sweden in Helsinki, 2020

Herttoniemen Kartano, 2023

Amos Anderson's home, 2023

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