

Distant dildos

Distant Dildos 2020

Three performers laying on bathroom floor hugging each other

About the show

In a distant new world three bodies try to find a new way of living, breathing, moving.

These bodies become landscapes of lust, pain and desire, fluctuating between the intimate, private and social. Time stands still; is it a loop? A beginning? An end? The world ends tonight, or is it just the end of us? This is The Porn Horror Musical’s moody twin sister. This is a lonely kind of porn, a soft kind of gore and a glimpse of boredom, horniness, the body as our only friend and our most vicious enemy. In this new eulogy, Glitcher mourns the dying of The Porn Horror Musical. Welcome to this funeral and/or baptizing. A new beginning, an old end. Brace yourselves: this is Glitcher turning over in the ashes of its own slaughter.

Distant Dildos was filmed in the spring of 2020 for Hangö Teaterträff and streamed at Yle Arenan during the summer.

Concept & performance: Emelie Zilliacus, Josefine Fri & Martin Paul

Cinematography: Marika Hill

Dramaturgy & edit: Malin Nyqvist

Age recommendation: 18+

Venues: Svenska Yle/ Hangö Teaterträff, 2020 (online)

Distant Dildos
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