

The porn horror musical

The Porn Horror Musical 2019

A man in the background choking a blonde lady

About the show

Hot fucking and wet nights.

Watch as teen BBW star Stepdaughter get her pussy stretched by big cocked mature Daddy. Will their secret be safe with them or will Mommy find out? Where is Mommy, actually? And how did she look? Was there ever a time when Mommy was around or has she never existed? Does blood turn you on? Then this is for you! Watch as slut bleeds to death after massive penetration.

In a hypersexual world where time stands still Daddy and Stepdaughter lives in a fragmentary porno reality. Mom is away on her monthly trip to the Maldives and their only mission is to fuck each other undisturbed. It’s a secret, of course. Their days are filled with endless fucking, plastic landscapes and badly written dialogue. One day, one moment, one second something new tries to penetrate their infinite reality. Suddenly they have a new mission: survival. Their lives hang by a thread but how will they survive this infestation?

The Porn Horror Musical is genre exploitation, bloody nightmare and dream world come true.

We promise cum, gore and a lot of fucking.
Not for the faint hearted.

Porn + horror = double penetration. Cum as you are.

Concept and production:
Glitcher (Emelie Zilliacus, Josefine Fri)
Sound design: Oscar Fagerudd
Mentor: Tom Rejström

Duration: 1,5h

Language: English

Age recommendation: 18+

Venues: Porn Horror Musical was originally performed at Viirus Guest, 2019

The Porn Horror Musical
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